Champion Services

  • Consulting Day (Onsite)

    The primary reason to invest in external consulting is to accelerate desired changes in performance or behavior.  The services may include assessments, coaching or consulting, or skills training.  Those services may be for individuals, groups (defined as 2+ people), or organizations.

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  • Consulting Day (Offsite)

    This offsite consulting type enables us to customize evidence-based content for your organization.  Examples include research, data analysis, and assessment development.

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  • Keynote Speaking

    Investing in a motivational or keynote speaker can help your organization accelerate learning or introduce customized learning content into your performance or behavior outcomes. Invite Dr. Teresa McKinney to speak at any event, retreat, or organizational activity and see how her 20+ years of industry experience can inspire your leaders to take action.

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  • Executive Retreat Program

    Executive leaders have unique demands on time and energy.  They require condensed leadership development training through remarkable experiences.  The reason to invest in an executive retreat program is to accelerate new learning in short, remarkable periods of time.  The goal is strategic transformation or breakthrough.  Customization for your executive team is mandatory.  That process requires partnership with external trusted consultants because internal training departments may lack the required objectivity. 

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  • Half-day workshop

    Evidence supports that adult learners require meaningful experiential events. During our workshops, we will integrate a combination of virtual or digital training, pre-event assessments, a digital participant guide, and post-event impact boosters.

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  • Full-day workshop

    Our leadership development, organizational performance improvement, and DEI-related full-day workshops will be customized to your business needs so that they deliver measurable impact. 

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  • Systems Implementation

    Organizational leadership is defined broadly as a series of interventions toward desired business outcomes.  That process requires ongoing active leadership from external consultants.  We provide the objective assessments and recommendations that you require. Perhaps you know that 60-70% of planned change initiatives fail to be adopted.  We do not want you to waste any time or money. Your success requires executive sponsorship, valid assessments (often at individual, team and organizational levels), proven process steps with measures for accountability, and specific expertise.  We are experts at implementing organizational change. Examples include: talent assessment, organizational culture change, succession planning initiative.

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  •  Strategy Formulation

    One definition of strategy is a 3-year horizon line of behavior that reinforces the organizational culture.  The process of strategy formulation requires expert facilitators who can assess purpose, mission, values, and culture.  External consultants should be less biased and can make clear recommendations that will provide the best value to your organization. As employees of an organization, we all have biases, and those biases may affect their recommended strategy formulation.  Our bias is based on evidence-based research in positive psychology that assumes that groups can flourish, develop a sense of psychological safety, and belonging.  Our strategy formulation services are always provided in measurable outcomes with milestones, so that all parties are delighted.

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  • Employee or Customer Surveys

    The primary reason to invest in any survey is to assess a population and make informed recommendations toward some desired business outcome.   Valid data requires the use of experts with a reliable process. The scope of your investment in these external surveys must vary with the scope of your business needs. Our assessments are quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.

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